Contribute to the Equality Kansas PAC
Enter amount
Enter your occupation. Kansas law requires us to include your occupation on disclosure forms when your contributions exceed $150 in a reporting period.
(Please provide one to three words describing your occupation, such as "teacher," "office manager," "construction worker," etc.)
Credit or debit card
By making this contribution, I declare:
• I am at least eighteen years old;
• I understand this is a contribution to a political committee registered in Kansas, and is subject to disclosure under Kansas law;
• This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution,
• For a contribution being made by a political action committee (PAC), party committee, corporation, partnership, trust, organization or association, I am authorized to make this contribution.
Paid for by
Equality Kansas
, Brian Shapley, Treasurer
Contribute $0.00